SpriteFactory is a BSD licensed ActionScript 3 library that makes it easy to generate multiple sprites from a bitmap image (like a JPG, PNG or GIF) without needing to use multiple loaders.
Here's how you use it if all your images are in the an "images" directory and you want their top-left corner to be at 0,0 in the sprite:
// The SpriteFactory constructor takes a directory as its
// argument. It looks in that directory for images. If you
// want to use the root directory as your bitmap directory,
// then just leave the first argument blank.
var factory:SpriteFactory = new SpriteFactory("images");
// The first argument is the id that you'll use
// to generate sprites.
factory.loadBitmap("player", "player.png");
// Using the id you can generate as many
// sprites as you want.
var player1:Sprite = factory.newSprite("player");
var player2:Sprite = factory.newSprite("player");
A lot of the time you want the origin of a sprite to be in the middle of the image or the bottom of it. SpriteFactory can also handle that:
var factory:SpriteFactory = new SpriteFactory("images");
// The first argument is the id that you'll use
// to generate sprites.
factory.loadBitmap("player", "player.png");
factory.loadBitmap("tree", "tree.png");
// Using the id you can generate as many
// sprites as you want.
var playerAlignment:int =
SpriteFactory.HALIGN_CENTER | SpriteFactory.VALIGN_MIDDLE;
var player1:Sprite = factory.newSprite("player", playerAlignment);
var player2:Sprite = factory.newSprite("player", playerAlignment);
var treeAlignment:int =
SpriteFactory.HALIGN_CENTER | SpriteFactory.VALIGN_TOP;
var tree1:Sprite = factory.newSprite("tree", treeAlignment);
var tree2:Sprite = factory.newSprite("tree", treeAlignment);
The available alignments are HALIGN_LEFT, HALIGN_CENTER and HALIGN_RIGHT for horizontal alignment and VALIGN_TOP, VALIGN_MIDDLE and VALIGN_BOTTOM for vertical alignment.
Download — SpriteFactory.as