Package org.cdmckay.coffeedom

Classes to represent the components of an XML document.


Interface Summary
CoffeeDOMFactory An interface to be used by builders when constructing CoffeeDOM objects.
Parent Superclass for CoffeeDOM objects which are allowed to contain Content content.

Class Summary
Attribute An XML attribute.
Comment An XML comment.
Content Superclass for CoffeeDOM objects which can be legal child content of Parent nodes.
DefaultCoffeeDOMFactory Creates the standard top-level CoffeeDOM classes (Element, Document, Comment, etc).
DocType An XML DOCTYPE declaration.
Document An XML document.
Element An XML element.
EntityRef An XML entity reference.
Namespace An XML namespace representation, as well as a factory for creating XML namespace objects.
ProcessingInstruction An XML processing instruction.
Text Character-based XML content.
UncheckedCoffeeDOMFactory Special factory for building documents without any content or structure checking.
Verifier A utility class to handle well-formedness checks on names, data, and other verification tasks for CoffeeDOM.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
CoffeeDOMException The top level exception that CoffeeDOM classes can throw.
DataConversionException Thrown when a data conversion from a string to value type fails, such as can happen with the Attribute convenience getter functions.
IllegalAddException Thrown when trying to add a illegal object to a CoffeeDOM construct.
IllegalDataException Thrown when illegal text is supplied to a CoffeeDOM construct.
IllegalNameException Thrown when a name is supplied in construction of a CoffeeDOM construct whose where the name breaks XML naming conventions.
IllegalTargetException Thrown when a target is supplied in construction of a CoffeeDOM ProcessingInstruction, and that name breaks XML naming conventions.

Package org.cdmckay.coffeedom Description

Classes to represent the components of an XML document. The Verifier is a special class useful in ensuring well-formedness of documents. The Parent interface is implemented by Document and Element exposing their commonality. The Content abstract class is extended by all the node types of a document except Document itself. The CoffeeDOMFactory interface and DefaultCoffeeDOMFactory standard implementation provide advanced users with the ability to create subtypes of the org.cdmckay.coffeedom classes.

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