Well I think that settles it. I’m a dick. I think sometimes you can’t help it. Sometimes your actions lead you into a situation that has only a few realistic solutions, and all of them are shit. Therefore, even the one you know is the best solution, is shit. Clearly having good intentions doesn’t always ensure a desirable outcome. Which makes one wonder: How many of the people you think are dicks, actually are, and aren’t just victims of good intentions turned bad?

Personally, I think the biggest effect of good intentions turned bad is when someone relates a story of someone (maybe even them) being screwed over. I can think of many stories I’ve heard from friends and others about people getting fucked over by someone. Many times I think to myself, what a dick this person must be, how could they do that? Or more often, I think typical.

Obviously in a situation of someone being treated poorly (socially or relationship wise), there are many factors to consider. For instance, one must evaluate whether the act is indeed a “screwing over.” This is important, because what is ghastly for some is a day in the life of another. For instance, consider my experiences with my ex-girlfriend regarding her trying to take back her Christmas present. I thought this was rather dickish while others thought it wasn’t that strange. Whether or not it is is clearly not universal, most acts generally have a consensus. For instance, breaking up over instant messenger or e-mail is not usually considered a good act.

Anyway, I’m blabbing on quite a bit and not really getting my original point across. My main point is that there’s always more to the story, and a person’s action depend heavily on their psychological state (i.e. their feelings towards the person, what they consider is over the line, etc.)

Well, that about wraps up this entry. I’ve got to study and watch Farscape. The main reason I wrote this journal was to make me feel better about being a dick. Keep that in mind :)