I'm proud to announce the release of JSS 1.0.0-beta2. Here are the changes:

  • Fixed the way that {attributes} are handled when not using a selector. They should now properly grab the attribute from element that fired the event.
  • Made it so each time a declaration block is applied, all the event handlers bound by JSS to the elements returned by that selector are unbound.
  • Fixed the semantics of the {@attr} syntax. It now means that the eventTarget should always be used, regardless of whether or not a selector is defined. In order to access the attributes of a selector use {@attr} now.
  • Added two new commands: set-data and remove-data. These commands use the jQuery functions data() and removeData(). They are similar to set-attr and remove-attr except instead of storing the information in an attribute, they are stored in a table. Data is accessed by using [data] syntax, similar to the {attr} syntax.
  • Added new event property: setup. This event is fired when the JSS stylesheet is loaded (setup). This is useful in certain cases where the user wants to setup some variables using set-data.
  • Made it so you can now set scroll-top and scroll-left via the set-attr command.
  • Added trigger command. It can be used to trigger event properties on elements.
  • Fixed bug where you could put a string | in a binary command due to the
    simplistic implementation. The new version requires any | to be escaped with \|.
  • Added fade-to command, based on the jQuery.fadeTo() command.
  • Added show and hide commands.
  • Fixed issue with data and attribute replacements not working correctly (i.e. the first event would replace them for all events).
  • Callbacks may now take string parameters. For example, "fade-out (#target) normal !callback str1 str2".

I've also started writing documentation for the JSS commands. It is only partially completed but can still be helpful. Check out the JSS homepage for other documentation.